Bow Bag
Wedding Gift
Bow Bag
Baby Shower
Bow Bag
Custom Card Box
Bridal Cap
Groom's Cap
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Shower Gift Bow Bag storing and displaying shower bows to become: "Traditional Rehearsal Bouquet"
"the new Bow Bag way"
"the old paper plate way"
Shower Gift Bow Bag Description:
- White veil bag with white/silver lace trim
- Stores & displays shower gift bows
- Holds about 35 medium bows
- Replaces "paper plate" to become
rehearsal bouquet & keepsake
(as told in Traditional Story)
- Use in table decor
- Use in decorating Custom Card Box
Bouquet becomes keepsake
- Should be 1st gift opened at bridal shower
- Position bag with lace rosette on bottom
and wide lace trim up
- As shower gifts are opened, place gift
bows/ ribbons/ veil bows or crumbled
tissue paper in bag at drawstring
- Arrange colors as desired
- Pull drawstring tight and tie in bow
- Flip bag over to form bouquet as shown
- Can prop filled bag on up-side-down stem
glass for a table decoration or use
as a bouquet in rehearsal which
then becomes a keepsake
Use Shower Gift Bag in table or other decor |
- Position bag with lace
rosette on bottom and
wide lace trim up
- Turn Shower Bow Bag
inside out so small rosette
is on bottom and inside of bag
- Remove bottom rosette for
a flatter stand
- Insert a vase or container
with silk or fresh flowers
or a potted plant
- Fold lace over pot to
form skirt around it
- Pull drawstring to snugly & evenly gather
veil & lace around flowers and tie in a bow
- Can also line a basket and fill with flowers or gift items (for gift or decor or to line a flower girl basket)
"The Traditional Story"
For decades it has been tradition for "Brides To Be" to save bridal shower
bows, secure them together, usually on a paper plate for use as their rehearsal
bouquet. Attempts to save this bouquet in remembrance of the special event
have been difficult. Creation of the "Bridal Shower and Rehearsal Bow Bag"
now gives the "Bride To Be" an opportunity to save her special bows in an easy
to use, attractive bag which can then be used as a beautiful "Rehearsal
Bouquet". This bouquet bow bag then remains a decorative, memorable
keepsake forever.