Wedding Bow Bag by Creations by Sisters logo
Bow Bag

Wedding Gift
Bow Bag

Baby Shower
Bow Bag

Custom Card Box

Bridal Cap

Groom's Cap

Order Form and Pricing


Web Links





Paula from Minneapolis MN
"I was given a "Here Comes the Bride" cap and a wedding bow bag
attached to it at my bridal shower/ bachelorette party. It was so cute,
I just loved it. I wore it at the shower and then out for my bachelorette
party. Everywhere I went people commented how cute it was."

Amy from Stratford NJ
Ordered bachelorette cap and wedding bow bag to attach to it. Sent
a note saying: "Thank you very much!! This will be just wonderful
for my sister's party."

Renee from Ellworth WI
Ordered bow bags and sent note saying: "Thank you! I just love them!"


"These bow bags are the best and cutest things at the entire Fair."

"I bought these last year and they were great! I am so glad you
are here again this year because I need one of each again."

"That is the cutest gift wrap I have ever seen! And she can use them
to put her bows in."

"Those card boxes are so cool -- just darling and there is hardly
anything out there to collect cards in -- and nothing reasonably
priced. Plus after the reception the bags could be used for bows."

"My sister makes a heart pillow out of net, but I'll take one because
these are cuter and it's a practice bouquet"

"How clever, good idea for a keepsake after"

"This would be a great table decoration. Give me four"

"Darling, my daughter is getting married 1 year from now, I'll
take one for a stocking stuffer"

"Now that I"ve seen it, I won't throw a shower without it"

"Its excellent and a great idea. I'll be right back to buy one"

"Aren't these cute. Mom and dad could use one for their
50th Wedding anniversary"

"You could get $25 a bag"

"This is much better than the paper plate. They are so tacky and
this is very nice"

"You've found a need and filled it"

"That really adds a flair for the shower and wedding"

"Cute, just cute as can be"

"I love the bags and the idea for the dollar dance bag at
the wedding is really great"

"Hey honey, this is a heck of an idea"

"Those are so cute. Somebody is really creative! I want one
of each style of Bow Bag."

"Those Card Boxes Decorated are just darling! I will take
one box with the three Bow Bags - and really reasonably priced."

"I don't have anything coming up but they are so cute
I have to have one."

"I'm having a bridal shower and have been looking for something
to add an extra special touch. I want a Shower Gift Bag for the
rehearsal bouquet and a Wedding Bow Bag to put a baloon in for
the centerpiece. With candles on either side it is going to
be so cute."

"That card box is so cute and easy to do. I was going to make a card
box for my daughter with wedding veil but this is much easier and
cuter. I want the box and three Bow Bags for the Fancier Box."

"So cute - why didn't I think of tht!"

"Very clever ideas"

"That is so inexpensive for bachlorette cap and card box. I want
everything - A Cap and Wedding Bag, a box and 2 bags to decorate
it and another smaller shower bag for the rehearsal bouquet.
I'm so excited I found these!"

"I bought the Bow Bags last year and they worked great!"

"What good ideas - great!"

Shower/Rehearsal Bow Bag -- Wedding Gift Bow Bag -- Baby Shower Bow Bag -- Custom Card Box
Bachelorette Bridal Cap/Groom's Cap -- Order Form & Pricing -- Endorsements -- Web Links -- Home


U.S. Patent D375,896 Registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
© 2002 Creations by Sisters